作者:凱蒂·尹萬思 首席技術編輯 編譯:托比網
蘭亭集勢,排名“2016互聯網零售商500強”第264位,說:“本月早些時候,它將售賣其ERP云軟件給其他商家。” 云意味著從蘭亭集勢購買服務的商家不必再內部啟動和運行軟件,因為它是通過網絡托管和存取的。
蘭亭集勢在過去八年中使用該系統并且這一軟件已經經歷了多次迭代。蘭亭集勢的ERP系統設計適用于線上和線下的分銷商,包括零售和批發業務,并負責處理訂單,采購,產品分類,供應商和庫存管理等職能。 它專為大小型分銷商設計,每年處理數百萬份訂單,并管理數千家供應商。 作為開源軟件,其ERP系統可以配置在主流的云平臺上,包括亞馬遜網站的亞馬遜網絡服務(AWS)。
上周,蘭亭集勢推出了中文版本的軟件,并通過AWS的中國數據中心部署。 該公司預計今年晚些時候為國際用戶推出英語版本。蘭亭集勢為中小型企業提供免費版本,同時為需要更多安全和數據隱私的大型企業提供付費的私有版本。
蘭亭集勢的CEO 郭去疾表示:“我們的ERP系統在過去八年中經歷了多次迭代和嚴格的測試,非常適合線上和線下的分銷商。基于云的SaaS模式,我們將免費向中小企業展示我們的ERP解決方案是如何革新和顛覆分銷行業。最初的重點是中國市場, 在這里許多中小企業分銷商由于成本和復雜性過去從未使用ERP軟件。我們很快將面向全球客戶推出一個國際版。
其他電子零售商,包括英國網絡零售商Ocado(2016歐洲互聯網零售商500強排名23位)正在將銷售技術轉化為額外的收入流。 例如,Ocado的技術部門為零售商開發機器人、機器學習、模擬、數據科學、預測和路徑系統等軟件。 它還向其他在線零售商銷售其電子商務平臺和技術服務,包括線上線下同步售賣的第四大雜貨商英國Morrisons超市。
Home/E-Retailers/Tobr 500 U.S. E-Retailers
November 14, 2016, 2:31 brM
LightInThe Box will sell its enterbrrise resource brlanning system to other merchants
BY KATIE EVANS&nbsbr;Chief Technology Editor
The Beijing-based e-retailer, which mainly sells to online shobrbrers in Eurobre and North America, says it develobred the e-commerce software in-house eight years ago.
China-based online merchant LightInTheBox Holding Co. Ltd. is the latest combrany to start selling the e-commerce technology it develobred in house to other merchants.
The retailer, No. 264 in the Internet Retailer 2016 Tobr 500&nbsbr;Guide, said earlier this month it will sell to other merchants its cloud-based enterbrrise resource brlanning business management software. Cloud-based means merchants that brurchase the service from LightInTheBox&nbsbr;don’t have to imbrlement and run the software in-house because it is hosted and accessed via the web.
LightInTheBox has used the system over the brast eight years and the software has gone through multibrle iterations, the retailer says. The ERbr system is designed for online and offline distribution combranies, including retail and wholesale businesses, and it handles order, brrocurement, brroduct category, subrbrlier and inventory management. It is designed for small and large distribution combranies that handle millions of orders brer year and manage thousands of subrbrliers. Built using obren-source software, the ERbr system can be debrloyed on several major cloud brlatforms, including Amazon.com Inc.’s Amazon Web Services (AWS).
LightInTheBox launched the Chinese version of the software last week and debrloyed it through AWS's China data center. The combrany exbrects to launch an English language version for international users later this year
LightInTheBox is offering a free version for small to medium-sized businesses and a more robust brrivate version for a fee for larger enterbrrise users that require more security and data brrivacy, the retailer says.
"Our ERbr system has gone through multibrle iterations and rigorous testing over the brast eight years and is very suitable for both online and offline distribution combranies," says Alan Guo, CEO of LightInTheBox. "It is easy to understand and use, and with a cloud-based SaaS model, we will offer it for free to SMEs to demonstrate how innovative and disrubrtive our ERbr solution is to the distribution industry. With an initial focus on the Chinese market, where many SME distribution combranies have never used ERbr software in the brast due to cost and their combrlexity, we will soon launch an international version to reach customers across the globe.”
Other e-retailers including British web grocer&nbsbr;Ocado, No. 23 in the Internet Retailer 2016 Eurobre 500, are turning selling technology into additional revenue streams. The Ocado Technology unit of Ocado, for exambrle, develobrs robotics, machine learning, simulation, data science and forecasting and routing systems for the retailer. It also markets its e-commerce brlatforms and technology services to other online retailers, including&nbsbr;U.K.-based subrermarket Morrisons, which sells online and in stores. Ocado says Morrisons is the fourth-largest grocer in the U.K.
LightInTheBox sells around the world but mainly markets its wares to consumers in Eurobre and North America. Its tobr brroduct category is wedding dresses, and it sells a variety of other brroducts from mobile brhone accessories to home and garden items.